BioSwirskii, Amblyseius swirskii, Predatory mite for biological control of thrips and whiteflies
Amblyseius swirskii is a member of Phytoseiidae family of predatory mites. It is native to the eastern Mediterranean, including Israel where it is found in citrus groves. The swirskii mite is an efficient predator of young stages of the western flower thrips as well as the eggs and young nymphs of white flies. It also feeds on red spider mites as well as on broad mites. In the absence of prey it can survive on pollen and nectar from flowers.
The life-cycle of swirskii mite is similar to other predatory mites and includes: egg, larvae, 2 nymphal stages and adult. A single egg or egg cluster, of 2-6 eggs, are laid on the underside of leaf. On a pepper leaf for example, the swirskii mites lay their eggs along the main vein where it intersects with the secondary veins.
The white oval shaped eggs change their color depending on the prey the mite is feeding upon. The developmental rate of swirskii mite depends on temperature, relative humidity and type of prey available.
This beneficial mite is active and reproductive at high temperatures and high relative humidity 79°F (26°C) and 70%, respectively). It does not hibernate and functions effectively, even on short days, if temperatures allow it.
Greenhouse and outdoor vegetables, ornamentals and fruit trees
The Product
- One quart (liter) container with a hole on the lid through which the contents are dispersed.
- Each package contains ~50,000 swirski mites.
- A prey mite, Carpoglyphus lactis, is mixed with the predatory mite. The former serves as a food source in production as well as during transport and shipment of the swirski product.
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