2024 Utility Program Mid-Year Q3 & Q4 Forecast

The horticulture industry, particularly in indoor agriculture and controlled environment agriculture (CEA), continues to experience rapid growth. With an increasing global population and the demand for secure and reliable food sources, projections show that the North American CEA industry will reach $8 billion annually by 2026. 

Electric utility companies are influencing CEA energy-efficiency decisions by making incentive dollars available through rebate programs. These programs are funded through taxpayers’ monthly meter bill payments. Tens of millions of dollars are available throughout the country from these rebate programs supporting sustainable growth. The DesignLights Consortium’s (DLC) Horticultural Lighting Technical Requirements set the industry’s guiding standard toward improved CEA energy-efficient lighting technology.  

Hort Americas’ lighting solutions — such as the Verjure Arize L2000 — are DLC listed, which is a requirement to be rebate program eligible.

Rebate program funding is limited. Many programs across North America operate on a first-come, first-served basis, until their funding is committed. As we shift into 2024 Q3 and Q4, utility programs and their administrators are shoring up program projections to achieve their end-of-year energy-saving commitments.  

Program year-end goals present a major opportunity for growers to leverage unclaimed rebate dollars BEFORE the end of the year. Depending on your facility’s geography, Hort Americas may be able to help capture additional incentive bonus awards offered by select utilities.  

Utility rebates for growers fit into a number of categories: New Construction, Renovation, Ag, Horticulture, Prescriptive, Custom, Instant Discount, and more. The Hort Americas team helps our growers maneuver through each program to leverage the greatest award dollars available.  

The map below reflects different rebate program award offerings throughout the country.

(The darker the state, the greater the incentive. Darker states traditionally offer hort/ag incentive programs more favorable than the lighter-colored states. However, even utilities in states with no color may offer a “Custom” incentive. Participation can be more complex, but there may be incentive opportunities based on energy savings.)

Other examples include: 

  • NV Energy covers most of Nevada, and DLC lighting fixtures such as Hort Americas’ Verjure Arize L2000 may qualify for $120-$275 awards. Additional award dollars may be available for energy-efficiency measures beyond lighting like HVAC, dehumidification, VFDs, and more. Retrofits or new construction, greenhouses or indoor facilities may be eligible. Pre-approval is required. 
  • Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) covers Tennessee and parts of Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia. The TVA program provides rebates for energy-efficient agricultural equipment, including lighting, HVAC systems, and irrigation systems.
  • Duke Energy covers Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, and South Carolina. Duke Energy provides rebates for energy-efficient agricultural equipment, including lighting, HVAC systems, and irrigation systems.
  • Xcel Energy covers Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin. Xcel Energy’s program offers various agricultural rebates for energy-efficient equipment, including irrigation systems, dairy equipment, and greenhouse technologies.  
  • The Oklahoma Gas & Electric utility finds their 2024 budget fully committed, and the program is currently suspended for this program year. However, Oklahoma Gas & Electric (OG&E) cultivators may explore reserving 2025 funding NOW for any retrofit or expansion construction before 2025 funding is committed. You can expect ~30% cash back on efficient LED lighting such as Hort Americas’ DLC-listed Verjure Arize L2000 lighting solution.  
  • Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP) has a utility award program available to growers seeking rebates for horticultural lighting fixtures. Cultivators can expect 60-80% of their equipment price returned as rebate awards. Pre-approval is required for this relatively new program.

The Hort Americas team is dedicated to delivering successful participation and optimal incentive award solutions for greenhouse growers and vertical farmers. Contact your Hort Americas representative for more utility incentive solutions specific to your project (anywhere across North America) or to learn more program details, before funding opportunities run out.