LED lighting promising for better light distribution and light as a control


LED lighting promising for better light distribution and light as a control

Most opportunities for LED lighting are in the preliminary application as a control light for better light distribution. This emerged from a meeting of the business platform light on July 7 at the Horticulture. The purpose of the meeting was the latest results from research, both in the floriculture and vegetable cultivation, to share and discuss.

The presentations and discussions with the 40 present researchers, consultants, suppliers and growers, showed that the replacement of SON-T by LED lighting is expected to have a few years away. This by the high costs and too little energy. And while the heat of a SON-T lamp added value, there is no need to replace it with LEDs. On the cost and energy efficiency of the lamp is however working hard by the suppliers.

But there are opportunities to control light and better light distribution over the crop with LEDs. Examples that were discussed were as LED control light in carnation to replace the bulb and LED in a more low-growing tulip. This requires a lot of interest from practice. The price of LED bulbs is still a bottleneck.

Led by as additional exposure with SON-T used between the crops, like tomatoes, is also an added value given. This additional production by the improved light utilization of the crop. The discussion showed that new research is to focus on the above opportunities, but one must closely reflect the practical results that also picked up more easily.

The meeting is with LTO Grow Service, Ministry EL & I Product Board for Horticulture and organized within the framework of the Platform of Light program Greenhouse as Energy Source and is a continuation of previous meetings. This is the innovation and action to significantly reduce CO2 emissions and greatly reduced dependence on fossil energy for the greenhouse in 2020.

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