Hort Americas and Agrifast see the Tomsystem as a simple but elegant piece of agtech that addresses two major issues vine crop greenhouse growers are facing today: labor and sustainability. The Tomsystem replaces traditional crop-supporting methods. Besides the sustainability benefits, the process also lowers the labor cost per hectare, providing the grower a significant net economic gain.
Clipping speed with the Tomsystem averages around 2,000 plants per hour, two times faster than with conventional methods. Additionally, the clipping tool closes in five positions, allowing for adjustments based on crop thickness and weight.
>> Read the full press release.
Tomatoes grown in commercial greenhouses are vulnerable to many viruses such as brown rugose. Managing the risks involves using a combination of preventive measures, sanitation practices and monitoring techniques.
The TomSystem can help your virus management strategies by the use of equipment specific to tomato growing.
Shop TomSystem products
TomSystem Clipping System Bundle$2,299.99
TomSystem Clipping Tool$1,989.57
TomSystem Belt for Clipping System$37.36
TomSystem Charger Battery for Clipping System$88.29
TomSystem Battery for Clipping System$300.21
TomSystem Staples for Clipping System$40.95