Hort Americas Orchid Growing Mix

Available in bulk quantities only. Please contact a Hort Americas representative for more information.


Hort Americas Orchid Growing Mix is ready-to-use and consists of bark, sphagnum moss and fertilizer. Produced in the United States, the mix has been designed and manufactured to excel with European orchid production methods. This means the mix’s physical characteristics make it durable, stable and easy to manage allowing growers to optimize irrigation strategies.

Although the mix was designed for potted phalaenopsis production, it can be customized for other orchid species and for fresh cut orchid production. Hort Americas Orchid Mix is available for sampling in 2.8-cubic-foot bags and for commercial production in 55-cubic-foot totes.

Phalaenopsis orchid production at Mid-American Growers

Currently Hort Americas is packaging their Bark Based Orchid Mix in 60 cubic foot bulk sacks and is working on smaller package sizes for growers of all sizes.

If you are a orchid grower and have questions on the Hort Americas Orchid Bark Mix, please contact Hort Americas directly.  Hort Americas is eager to work with Orchid Growers of all sizes.


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