Research at Clark University’s Experimental Plant Investigation Center is exploring new ways to enhance soil health and, in turn, improve food security.
Continue reading How Clark University’s EPIC is Helping Shape the Future of Sustainable AgricultureCategory: Science
The Tools Cutting Plastic Waste in High-Wire Crops
In response to a greater push for sustainability in controlled environment agriculture, growers continue to explore new ways for reducing plastic waste.
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LED Retrofit Guide for Greenhouses
Free Download: Mastering the Move from HPS to LED Lighting
Once a cost-prohibitive alternative, LED lighting is now the preferred lighting source among commercial growers.
The technology offers numerous benefits that continue to fuel its rapid adoption over traditional high-pressure sodium (HPS) lights.
Continue reading LED Retrofit Guide for GreenhousesHow vine crop growers can reduce waste and labor cost and prevent virus transmission
Hort Americas and Agrifast see the Tomsystem as a simple but elegant piece of agtech that addresses two major issues vine crop greenhouse growers are facing today: labor and sustainability. The Tomsystem replaces traditional crop-supporting methods. Besides the sustainability benefits, the process also lowers the labor cost per hectare, providing the grower a significant net economic gain.
Continue reading How vine crop growers can reduce waste and labor cost and prevent virus transmissionNC State’s Collado and Hernandez Research Cannabis Water Use Under Supplemental Light
North Carolina State University researchers Professor Ricardo Hernandez and Cristian Collado worked with Current’s Arize® Element L1000 LED top lighting in a greenhouse setting to explore the impact of light levels on the production of cuttings, plant growth, flower production, quality, and water use of a cannabis sativa variety commonly cultivated for its high levels of CBD. The impact of different levels of light throughout the vegetative and reproductive phases of growth was isolated by controlling all other environmental factors, such as temperature, fertigation, CO2, and water usage.
Continue reading NC State’s Collado and Hernandez Research Cannabis Water Use Under Supplemental LightIron in Hydroponic Systems
Have you ever noticed the different presentations of iron when selecting ingredients to make nutrient recipes?
Continue reading Iron in Hydroponic SystemsWater quality: The key to optimum management in hydroponic systems
The water source used as a base for nutrient recipes should always be evaluated. The quality of water source can really affect your hydroponic production and your system management across the crop cycle.
Continue reading Water quality: The key to optimum management in hydroponic systemsTip Burn and Calcium Deficiency
Tip burn can be a common problem in lettuce greenhouses. Tip burn is characterized by the presence of necrotic tissue at the growing area of lettuce. This symptom is a consequence of calcium deficiency. Calcium is required to build cell walls. When Calcium is deficient, new cells tend to die due to the lack of calcium to build up the cell wall.
Continue reading Tip Burn and Calcium DeficiencyBlossom End Rot
Blossom end rot can be a common problem for growers. This problem is characterized by the presence of necrotic tissue at the bottom of fruits such as tomatoes and peppers. The presence of necrotic tissue is caused by the lack of calcium in the buildup of new cells at the growing area of the fruit. Nutrient deficiency can be commonly linked directly to the nutrient solution recipe. However it is crucial to understand Calcium as a passive nutrient and how environmental conditions can trigger deficiency by affecting the ability of the plant to take up these minerals.
Continue reading Blossom End RotFinding the balance to improve crop performance maintaining high energy efficiency levels
Annually, indoor and greenhouse growers produce significantly more lbs/ft3 of canopy compared to open field. It is a fact that we have learned how to improve crop productivity over the years and we are still expecting an exponential increase in this area. Now the most important challenge is to find the most energy efficient way to keep increasing crop productivity.
Continue reading Finding the balance to improve crop performance maintaining high energy efficiency levelsStarting seeds indoors with LED grow lights
Whether you grow indoors or in a greenhouse, proper plant development is profoundly dependent on the quantity and quality of light your crop receives. The photoperiod, light intensity, and light quality are key lighting properties in regulating plant growth and development. Yet whatever setting you grow in, using the proper grow light for seed starting presents an opportunity to begin your crop on the path to higher yields and a quality product.
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When asking: “How can a system with a controlled environment help improve crop performance?”, the answer is easy… The more you analyze data and control CEA variables inside of your system, the better your crop will perform. A greenhouse system depending on the level of technology will allow you to control all 9 environmental variables to a certain level.
Continue reading Free Download: Greenhouse Management, 9 CEA VariablesCooling Capacity in Greenhouses
Temperature is starting to rise! It is time to take precautions and learn how to manage our growing systems in warm climates. We can learn how helpful a cooling system can be for our growing system by calculating the cooling capacity of our greenhouse.
Continue reading Cooling Capacity in GreenhousesHow to avoid calcium deficiency in controlled environment food crops
Free Download: Key Aspects about the Use and Management of LED Lighting in Crop Production
As LED grow lights continue to become more affordable, an increasing number of greenhouse growers and vertical farmers are considering whether the lights would benefit their production systems. Several studies and growers applications have demonstrated the development of new lighting technologies such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) can increase the capability to provide ideal light conditions to crops, making possible the improvement of crop performance and product quality.
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One of the most important environmental factors affecting flowering induction is Photoperiod. Photoperiod is defined as the time plants are exposed to light in a daily cycle.
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Light incidence over our crops will have a direct effect on yield. Photosynthesis is the most important process in plants to produce energy. But how can we relate photons of light to yield? Based on research we know now one mole of photosynthetic photons is required in order to produce one gram o dried biomass (yield).
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Substrates are a key element in hydroponic systems. As growers, we must learn the needs of our hydroponic systems and crops. Crops and hydroponic systems demand particular characteristics from growing substrates. Substrates, along with all environmental variables managed at the root zone level, will have a strong effect on plant growth, development, product quantity, and quality.
Continue reading Free Download: Substrates and Rootzone GuideIrrigation Systems: Key aspects to consider for drip irrigation
Irrigation can be a complex topic. In order to get to understand this topic, we need to have good base knowledge. In this article, we will summarize key aspects to provide a good introduction to irrigation management.
Continue reading Irrigation Systems: Key aspects to consider for drip irrigationStomata Behavior

Stomata are pores constituted by two cells called: Guard cells. Guard cells are hydraulic valves making possible stomata closure and opening.
Stomata open or close depending on different factors: Light intensity, light quality, temperature, leaf water status, and intracellular CO2.
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